
Payment via PayPal

PayPal offers you simple, fast and secure payment on the Internet:
PayPal is PCI compliant: PayPal fulfils the security regulations according to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
With PayPal, you pay with just two clicks, because your data is securely stored at PayPal. 
Your purchase arries sooner because the payment is immediately with Diecrema GmbH.
You can find more information on the PayPal website at

*A surcharge of 3% will be added to PayPal payments from third countries (e.g. Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Norway).

PayPal Express
Direct checkout for users with a PayPal account
With PayPal Express you use your existing PayPal account. PayPal Express is only available in the shopping cart. If you order from us frequently, we recommend that you set up an account with us to benefit from all the customer advantages.

PayPal Standard
For customers with a PayPal account 
You have a PayPal account and choose the payment method Paypal in the checkout.

Payment by direct debit
The payment amount will be debited from your account. This service is handled by PayPal, but does not require a PayPal account. 
Payment by credit card

We accept Visa and Mastercard.
The invoice amount will be charged to your credit card. This service is handled by PayPal, but does not require a PayPal account.

Payment in advance
You will receive our bank details with your order confirmation. 
Please transfer the invoice amount without deductions to our bank account, stating your order or invoice number. 
After the amount has been credited to our account, we will immediately arrange for the item to be shipped or ordered if the product is out of stock in the meantime.
Payment by cash on delivery

Not possible in the checkout.
Please call us, as cash on delivery cannot be offered for all shipping methods, such as shipping on pallets. We will then send you an invoice showing the payment method cash on delivery.
Only possible with the following shipping method: Standard domestic. 
Payment is made in cash when the parcel is handed over to you. 
For payment by cash on delivery we charge 7,00 Euro cash on delivery fee.
The post office/DHL will only accept your payment in cash when handing over the parcel. Payment by credit or EC card or by crossed cheque is not possible. 
Cash payment and EC cash

On collection from our shop in Bad Honnef:
Mondays - Fridays from: 10-18 and Saturdays from 10-15

